
To change the text generation model used by all commands, or other configurable options, open your SETTINGS page and change the setting below:

  # Disabled by default, indexEmbeddings and indexSummary can be set
  # to true to provide the AI: Search command.
  # Be sure to read the relevant documentation and warnings first.
  indexEmbeddings: false
  indexEmbeddingsExcludePages: []
  indexEmbeddingsExcludeStrings: []
  indexSummaryModelName: ollama-gemma2
  indexSummary: false

  # configure one or more image models.  Only OpenAI's api is currently supported
  - name: dall-e-3
    modelName: dall-e-3
    provider: dalle
  - name: dall-e-2
    modelName: dall-e-2
    provider: dalle

  # Configure one or more text models
  # Provider may be openai or gemini.  Most local or self-hosted LLMs offer an openai compatible api, so choose openai as the provider for those and change the baseUrl accordingly.
  - name: ollama-phi-2
    modelName: phi-2
    provider: openai
    baseUrl: http://localhost:11434/v1
    requireAuth: false
  - name: gpt-4-turbo
    provider: openai
    modelName: gpt-4-0125-preview
  - name: gpt-4-vision-preview
    provider: openai
    modelName: gpt-4-vision-preview
  - name: gpt-3-turbo
    provider: openai
    modelName: gpt-3.5-turbo-0125

  # Chat section is optional, but may help provide better results when using the Chat On Page command
    # If bakeMessages is true, SilverBullet query and template blocks are rendered before sending
    bakeMessages: true
    # If searchEmbeddings is true, the Chat command will search indexed embeddings and provide relevant pages as context.
    searchEmbeddings: true
    # When using chat, the userInformation and userInstructions included in the system prompt.
    userInformation: >
      I'm a software developer who likes taking notes.
    userInstructions: >
      Please give short and concise responses.  When providing code, do so in python unless requested otherwise.

  # Prompt Instructions are optional, but can help steer the LLM to more personalized results for built-in commands.
    pageRenameRules: >
      Include a random animal name in every note title.
    tagRules: >
      Tag every note with the current year.