
Add the following to to your PLUGS file, run Plugs: Update command and off you go!

For in-development code from the main branch:

- github:justyns/silverbullet-ai/silverbullet-ai.plug.js

For the latest release version:

- ghr:justyns/silverbullet-ai/0.4.0

You can also use the Plugs: Add command and enter the above url to install.

After installing, be sure to make the necessary config changes in SETTINGS and SECRETS.

After installing the plug, you can access its features through the command palette. To ensure the plug functions correctly, you must set the OPENAI_API_KEY on the SECRETS page.

If you do not have a SECRETS page, create one and name it SECRETS. Then, insert a YAML block as shown below, replacing "openai key here" with your actual OpenAI API key:

OPENAI_API_KEY: "openai key here"

OPENAI_API_KEY is required for any openai api compatible model currently, but may not get used for local models that don't use keys.

The secret does not necessary have to be OPENAI_API_KEY, it can be any name you want as long as you also change the secretName for the model to match. This allows you to have multiple api keys for the same provider as an example.