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To build this plug, make sure you have SilverBullet installed. Then, build the plug with:

deno task build

Or to watch for changes and rebuild automatically

deno task watch

Then, copy the resulting .plug.js file into your space's _plug folder. Or build and copy in one command:

deno task build && cp *.plug.js /my/space/_plug/

SilverBullet will automatically sync and load the new version of the plug (or speed up this process by running the {[Sync: Now]} command).


Documentation is located in the docs/ directory and rendered using a combination of the silverbullet-pub plugin and mkdocs.

To make changes, use silverbullet locally like: silverbullet docs/

If you want to see changes in real-time, open up two terminals and run these two commands:

  • mkdocs serve -a localhost:9000
  • find docs -name \*.md -type f | egrep -v 'public' | entr bash ./

The first starts a local development server of mkdocs. The second uses the entr command to run silverbullet-pub every time a file changes inside the silverbullet docs/ directory.

Markdown files inside of docs/ can also be manually edited using any editor.