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Quick Start

This is a short introduction to installing and using the SilverBullet AI plug.


Run Plug: Add and add github:justyns/silverbullet-ai/silverbullet-ai.plug.js (or the latest release version, see Installation)


Create or update your SECRETS page and add an api key depending on which LLM provider you’re using.

For example, for OpenAI, use OPENAI_API_KEY:

OPENAI_API_KEY: "openai key here"

Update your SETTINGS page and configure one or more textModels, and optionally an image model and embeddings model. Example below is for OpenAI and DallE. You may also want to configure Chat Instructions at this time. See Providers for examples other than OpenAI, including self-hosted ones.

  - name: dall-e-3
    modelName: dall-e-3
    provider: dalle
  - name: gpt-4o
    provider: openai
    modelName: gpt-4o
  - name: gpt-4o-mini
    provider: openai
    modelName: gpt-4o-mini
  - name: text-embedding-3-small
    provider: openai
    modelName: text-embedding-3-small

  # Chat section is optional, but may help provide better results when using the Chat On Page command
    userInformation: >
      I'm a software developer who likes taking notes.
    userInstructions: >
      Please give short and concise responses.  When providing code, do so in python unless requested otherwise.


Run AI: Select Text Model from Config, choose one of the models you just configured.


If you only have one model configured, it will be selected automatically.

Open a new note, run AI: Chat on current page or press (CTRL|CMD)+SHIFT+ENTER to start a chat session.

Or try searching with AI: Search after configuring an Embedding model and re-indexing the space.

And that’s it! Look at the other Commands available, as well as check out the Templated Prompts to go futher.

Also consider importing the AI Core Library for some helpful templates and snippets.